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All Things STC

As more and more students have been transitioning back to campus, the Student Technology Consultants team is preparing to help students and faculty navigate how technology can help them accomplish their learning objectives in this increasingly hybrid environment. Our goal is to help them use the new skills and tools they were able to leverage remotely while still taking full advantage of an in-person classroom.

To kick the semester off, we’ve been able to work with a few faculty members interested in providing podcasting assignments for their classrooms. Their objectives range from helping prepare students for the different kinds of writing that might be assigned to them in a corporate environment to simply providing a change of pace for assignments that would normally default as essays. We’ve continued to work on content for the EMERGE podcast feed, which we hope to share with you in next month’s column.

Lastly, we are currently seeking new hires for our team! If you know any undergraduates interested in helping improve the student classroom experience, please pass along this . As always, if you would like assistance using technology to provide for your students, feel free to . We’d love to hear from you!

writing on paper