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The Leeds Business Confidence Index (LBCI) Q1 2021

LBCI Q1 2021
Download The Leeds Business Confidence Index (LBCI) Q1 2021

Business confidence ahead of Q1 2021wasunchanged compared to Q4 2020, but lookingfurther out to Q2 confidence improved, largely on positive news about the vaccine and the hopes of a real reopening of the economy. Optimism was revised down from the September survey for the first quarter as the economic reality of the second COVID-19 wave set in. One-third of panelistscitedthe COVID-19 vaccine as the main driver for their outlook, and more than a quarter of respondents cited COVID-19 for their economic sentiments. While Q1confidence remained below neutral, the Q22021outlook rose strongly above neutral.

Read/Download the LBCI Q1 2021