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Assistant Professor position in Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization.

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (EALC) at the University of Kansas (KU) invites applications for a tenure-track, Assistant Professor position in Japanese Popular Culture and Globalization. Click the "Apply Now" for a the full job description and application. Review of applications begins October 15, 2022. Please share this email with colleagues and students. 

The successful candidate must have research and teaching expertise in Japanese popular culture and globalization. They will be expected to teach two Japanese language classes and two content classes per year. Applications are invited from Japan specialists across different disciplinary backgrounds with a particular interest in areas of literary, visual, and media cultures and in cultural phenomena that are situated in the global context and/or analyzed through a transnational lens. A Ph.D. in Japanese studies or equivalent is highly preferred. A Ph.D. in a related field plus graduate work in Japanese studies or similar will also be considered. The successful candidate must be eligible to work in the U.S. by the effective date of the appointment.

The University of Kansas is located in the city of Lawrence, a vibrant and culturally rich community 45 minutes from the Kansas City metropolitan area and 30 minutes from the state capital, Topeka. Lawrence, a quintessential college town of 95,000, boasts a thriving downtown, diverse local and regional events, area lakes, vibrant arts and music scenes, award-winning restaurants, and a nationally celebrated independent bookstore among its many independently owned small businesses. Along with the music, arts, culture, and sports experiences offered at KU and in Lawrence, the short drive to Kansas City provides quick access to historic jazz clubs, museums, world-class music and theatre venues and professional sports teams.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the largest school within the campus and plays a central role within the University. Founded in 1865, KU is a designated Carnegie comprehensive doctoral and research university and is one of only 34 public members of the prestigious Association of American Universities (AAU). The University enrolls more than 28,000 students and offers students and faculty opportunities to collaborate in its graduate and professional programs, which include education, public health, medicine, law, and a number of allied social science and humanities disciplines.

The College emphasizes interdisciplinary, experiential learning and global awareness, houses a vibrant university wide Honors Program that highlights undergraduate research and service activities, and has created strong affiliations with outstanding cross-disciplinary research centers. Faculty and academic staff have emphasized the importance of continuing and expanding on relationships with centers and entities including the Biodiversity Institute, Kansas Biological Survey, Kansas Geological Survey, the Hall Center for the Humanities, the Life Span Institute, the Institute for Policy and Social Research, the Spencer Museum of Art and the Natural History Museum. These relationships have brought a broad range of disciplines together to pursue and conduct sponsored research and education at the international, national, state, regional and local levels, and have created employment structures in which faculty and academic staff share appointments to emphasize collaboration. College faculty and research staff are welcomed as members in all KU’s designated research centers and institutes. The College is home to internationally recognized scholars and scientists who brought in $44M in research funding in FY 2021, nearly 30% of the total funded research at KU Lawrence.

At the University of Kansas, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are an important part of our culture and university strategic plan. Applications from members of underrepresented groups are encouraged, noting the value that differences bring to our organization, students, staff, faculty, and community.