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Grad Colloquium: Time in Antiquity

Time in Antiquity

October 12-13, 2018

Friday 6:00 PM
Keynote Address by Peter Bing, University of Toronto, "Tombs of Poet's Minor Characters"
Eaton Humanities HUMN 250

Saturday 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM
British and Irish Studies Room in Norlin Library

Anaximander with sundial reinisher landes museum

Roman Mosaic of philosopher with sundial,
3rd century CE, Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier


There and Then, Here and Now (11:00 am)
“Temporal Unevenness in Cicero’s De Finibus bonorum et malorum” -Andre Matlock, University of California Los Angeles
“A Time and a Place: Imagining Rome’s Legendary Past in AugustanPoetry” -Samuel Kindick, University of Colorado Boulder
Infinity, Eternity, and Relativity (1:30 pm)
“Anaximander’s Conception of Time” -Andrew Hull, Northwestern University
“T Timaeusand the Elements of a Created Time” -Blythe Greene, University of California San Diego
“Time Doesn’t Matter: The Unreality and Irrelevance of Time in Lucretius’On the Nature of Things” -Amber Ace, University of Chicago
The Times They are A-Changin’ (3:30 pm)
“Time and Folklore in Aristotle’s History of Animals” -Kristofer Coffman, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
“Seasonal Time in Longus” -Elizabeth Deacon, University of Colorado Boulder

This event is sponsored by the Department of Classics, UGGS, CHA, GCAH, CWCTP, and the PFC.
Contact the Classics Department with questions.

See the Time in Antiquity poster.