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McClanahan Essay Prize: Virgil's Chaonian Doves

Mary E. V. McClanahan Graduate Essay Prize

Monday, December 3rd at 5:30 pm | HUMN 250

picture of old hand painted book with bright colors

Virgil’s Chaonian Doves
Reading Hesiod in Eclogues 5 and 9

Classics PhD candidate, Samuel Hahn

On one level, Virgil’s Eclogues consider the tension between Latin poetry and the Roman state. With the image of doves assailed by an eagle Virgil frames this discussion in Hesiodic terms. Ultimately, by engaging with Hesiod’s Works and Days throughout his collection of pastoral poems, Virgil affirms the didactic role of the poet.

This event is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by Mary E. V. McClanahan and the Department of Classics