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Mike Hannigan, Department Chair of Mechanical Engineering

The primary goal of Mike's research lab is to explore the links between energy systems and air quality; his groups focuses on improving and using detective tools that find these links. His lab has collaborated on this work in Colorado, California and Ghana. He has been fortunate to combine his love for teaching with his research, developing courses like Project Based Learning in Rural High Schools and Household Energy Systems in the Global South. Learn more about Mike’s and the educational and outreach work they do through the Air Quality InQuiry Program.

Hannigans and sons sailing

What is your motto?

Be excellent to each other.

What has been your favorite work or personal project so far?

Being a parent!

What does a typical day look like for you?

My morning starts with coffee, email and class prep, then moves onto campus for meetings, class, with some more meetings.  I leave the office and get to enjoy driving kids around … luckily I get to watch baseball, soccer, dancing, and theater. 

One thing you’re willing to spend way too much on … 

Improving my classes and cooking.

Who would you most like to meet and why?

I would like to go into the future and meet my kids when they are 40.

If you were stranded on a deserted island, which coworker would you want to organize your rescue party, and why?

Shalom Ruben...he would bring the fog horn and the party.

What do you most like to do to unwind?

I enjoy hiking, cooking, sailing, playing catch and games with my family.