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Fall 2019 Class Registration

It’s registration time, and fall 2019 course schedule information is now available!

New Environmental Design curriculum guides are available as a downloadable pdf on the ENVD website. You may also pick up a hard copy of the guides in the front office. Be sure to select the sheet that matches your grade-level and major. Please note that the credits required for degree completion has not changed, however, the specific courses to meet those requirements may look different.

Selecting your curriculum guide
Visit the curriculum page on our website to download your guide.

  • If you are currently taking ENVD 1102, and a rising sophomore, follow the green curriculum guides.
  • If you are currently taking ENVD 2130, and a rising junior, follow the blue curriculum guides.
  • If you are currently taking ENVD 3330 (praxis), and a rising senior, follow the red curriculum guides.
  • If you are currently studying abroad, work closely with your advisor to plan your class schedule for fall 2019.

Some students have academic paths that look different than what the curriculum has listed. Please work closely with your advisor if you have questions on how these changes may apply to your academic career.

Finding new classes
When you are searching for design courses, you may need to search the subject codes ENVD, ARCH, LAND, PLAN, or EPOD. Not all design courses will be listed under ENVD as in previous semesters. Your studio course will be found in one of the four major codes: ARCH, LAND, PLAN or EPOD.

Looking for ENVD electives? View this list of approved fall 2019 elective options.

Meet with an advisor
Between April 1 and April 19, 15-minute drop-in advising appointments will be available Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. You can check-in at the front office, in ENVD 168. The drop-in meetings are meant to address quick fall or summer course registration questions.

You can also make an appointment with your advisor through MyCUHub.