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This is not a Pipe but a Special Issue on the Scholarship and Impacts of Professor Emerita Barbara P. Buttenfield on Cartography and GIScience

A special appeared in the Cartography and Geographic Information Science journal (volume 51, number 5) was put together to recognize Prof. Barbara P. Buttenfield's (Babs') 35+ years of contributions to cartography and GIScience. It was co-edited by three of her former PhD students who are native from three different German-speaking countries. One of the editors is a CU alumna (, PhD 2000) and the other two are doctoral students that babs advised at SUNY Buffalo. The special issue contains five co-authored articles including one by a CU alumnus (, PhD 2001, and another authored by a former CU post-doctoral researcher , 2012-2014 whom she advised. Three other papers were authored by GIScience scholars, who were influenced by her work, including one by Professor May Yuan (a former doctoral student at SUNY-Buffalo, where Babs served as a doctoral committee member) and one co-authored by Tumasch Richenbacher, whom she taught as visiting Professor at the University of Austria in Summer Semester 1997). The fifth authored by a former colleague now teaching in Europe references Magritte's painting ‘this is not a pipe’, a poster that used to hang in babs' office.

Graphic source: https://doi.org/10.1080/15230406.2024.2377972


Photo taken in front of Guggenheim in Fall 1996 with Ming Tsou and Sara Fabricant as incoming graduate students…

Fall 1996 Graduate Students Group Photo - Back Row: Sherrill Mindia Brown, Michael Rock, Gabe Preston, Donna Rubinoff, Michael Solem, Hillary Hamann, William Jeffery Weber, Tina Gayon Middle Row: Jeffrey Cole, Ciaran Hurst, Kerstin Switala (standing), Leigh Miller (standing), Andrew Smith (standing), Alice Wondrak (standing), Sara Fabrikant (standing) Front Row: Melanie Peterson, Eran Hood, Ming Hsiang Tsou, Stephen Huh
