- David Fernando Bachrach is a PhD candidate in the University of Colorado Boulder's Department of Geography. He will be attending an intensive Indonesian language course for 8 weeks over the summer at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia's (UPI
- David Fernando Bachrach is a third-year PhD Candidate in the Department of Geography. He received a 2023-2024 Fulbright Research Award to support his dissertation research project "Global China and the Techno-Politics of the Jakarta-Bandung High-
- Tim Oakes won a 2023-24 Fulbright Global Scholar award for his project “The hinterlands of global China: infrastructures of life beyond the urban”. This is a collaborative project with scholars in Oslo and in Singapore to develop a
- Tsering Lhamo has been awarded the 2023-2024 Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowship. The Fulbright-Nehru Research Fellowship is a joint education agreement between the governments of the United States and India and serves as a key pillar of strategic
- Tsering Lhamo has received the Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) award to study Nepali language. The Foreign Language Areas Studies award provides financial support to study a foreign language with tuition, travel support, and
- Reprinted from CaGIS WebsiteDr. Barbara Buttenfield is a Professor Emerita of Geography at the University of Colorado where she is also the Director of the Meridian Research Lab which develops GIS applications and explores algorithm design and
- Naomi Hazarika, PhD student in Geography, has received the prestigious Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Grant funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The Foundation funds doctoral or thesis research that advances anthropological knowledge and
- Gabby Subia-Smith has been selected to receive the Summer 2023 Fellowship. The Graduate School Summer Fellowship awards graduate students with external funding for research and living expenses during the summer months. Gabby will be using
- Xiaoling Chen won the China Geography Specialty Group’s Annual Student Paper Award ($250) at this year’s AAG conference. It is a chapter of a book that will be published by June 2023:Chen, Xiaoling. 2023. The Venue Code: Digital
- We, at CU Geography, are terribly saddened by this immense loss. Tyler was an exemplary student and a caring, bright star of a human being. He was a real community builder while he was at CU. Our collective heart goes out to his family, friends