- Founder of the Center for Research and Education Addressing Cannabinoids and Health (CU REACH) at ICS, Kent's research expertise in the cannabis compound, cannabidiol (CBD) is impacting the public through coverage in a wide variety of media outlets including Men's Health online magazine.
- "Robo-grading", computer grading of student work using artificial intelligence, is a growing and controversial development in education.
- Philip Kragel and Teryn Wilkes, ICS Lead MRI Technologist were featured in a segment on science and technology for "New technology can read emotions".
- Michael Klymkowsky, ICS Fellow Selected as Participant in the Open CU Course OER Adoption InitiativeCU Boulder's Open Education Resource (OER) Adoption Initiative is administered by the University Libraries. Michael will integrate OER into a spring 2020 undergraduate course.
- Lead author Philip Kragel and senior author, former ICS Faculty Tor Wager investigates the ability of computer systems modeled after the human brain, neural networks, to recognize human emotions from images.
- ICS "Neuroscientists have developed a brain-inspired computer system that can look at an image and determine what emotion it evokes in people" (CU Boulder Today)
- Congratulations to Sidney for receiving the prestigious Tom Trabasso Young Investigator Award presented at the 2019 Annual meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse in New York City.
- From 'Government Technology' to 'Huff n Puffs' online magazine, Kent's new course for the public is garnering media attention. Kent, a psychology professor, ICS Fellow, and founder of the Center for Research and Education Addressing Cannabis and
- Eliana, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience and ICS Fellow will present a colloquium on October 24th, 2019 at UW-Madison.
- "Mind wandering while reading easy and difficult texts." has been recognized as an Highly Influential Citation in Semantic Scholar.