I am asking the campus to take a collaborative and integrated approach as we work to break down silos and ensure good training related to the university’s response to sexual assault and intimate partner abuse.
After a 12-year hiatus, the campus will launch its own officially recognized Interfraternity Council. Two fraternities are signed up to start chapters in the upcoming academic year.
After completing his appointment as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), Steven R. Leigh plans to return to the faculty to pursue further research and increase interactions with students. Serving as the new dean will be James White.
Hundreds have added to the discussion, noting their priorities for the site. These include preserving and connecting with nature, easing flood risk, addressing housing needs and more.
Tim Passmore, the recipient of a Horowitz Foundation grant, discusses what's up next involving his study of how young and weak democracies can prevent military coups by committing to peacekeeping missions.
Community, leadership and inspiration all shone brightly at this year's annual boys2MEN Leadership Summit, which offered Denver and Aurora high school students the chance to preview campus life.
This summer, 11 students will set out on a month-long journey seeking a deeper understanding of immigrant community experiences across the region and nation.
Marketing professor Margaret C. Campbell has been distinguished as a provost professor at the Leeds School of Business for her outstanding scholarship in marketing and consumer behavior.
Summer can be a great time to consider what you want for yourself and how to achieve your plans. From setting clear goals to learning to live in the moment, these positive approaches can help.