Cheap natural gas prices and the increasing availability of wind energy are pummeling the coal industry more than regulation, according to an analysis from CU Boulder and North Carolina State University.
A new NOAA dataset of wind forecasts could help the energy industry identify which offshore areas in the United States have the best potential for wind resource development.
A new NOAA-led study shows that chemical emissions from personal care products are comparable to car emissions and contribute to air pollution in Boulder.
When it comes to the probability of future ice-free summers in the Arctic, a small range of climate warming over the next century could make all the difference.
Airborne soot produced by wildfires and fossil-fuel combustion and transported to the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica contains levels of black carbon too low to contribute significantly to the melting of local glaciers.
Paying rural villagers to cut down fewer trees boosts conservation not only while the payments are being made but even after they’re discontinued, according to a new CU Boulder study.