Allowing faculty to make texts and course materials equally available to all of their students, the course reserves service is a resource to plan to use for spring classes.
Counseling and Psychiatric Services offers resources and workshops to help students establish a routine, start out the semester strong and develop skills to succeed.
Work in recent days to protect some of our campus trees resulted in a contractor inadvertently using a different product than we'd specified for the job. Learn more.
Clint Carroll designs research relevant to tribal communities and the university, working closely with Cherokee Nation Medicine Keepers to affect environmental policy.
Study: Birds nesting near noisy oil and gas operations had changes in stress hormones similar to those in people with PTSD. Also, some laid fewer eggs or had chicks with stunted growth.
The Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship and CU Research Computing are sponsoring open, free consulting hours to help with your scientific and data visualization needs.
Where can you find news that is specific to your college, school, department or program?
Mark your calendar for staff-focused discussion forums Jan. 22, Jan. 26 and Feb. 2. Also, there’s one week left to submit a white paper addressing any ideas you’d like to propose. White papers can be as short as a page or as long as several.