The Champions Center, Indoor Practice Facility and Dal Ward Athletic Center have been awarded LEED Platinum status, a globally recognized symbol of excellence in green building.
An interdisciplinary team has won Kelly Fox's Short Experiment Competition, a contest that aims to give life to innovative solutions or unmet opportunities on campus.
In this Oct. 27 hands-on skill building workshop for students, walk away knowing how to assess and calculate a baseline of carbon emissions for a household.
The Oct. 26 screening of Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power" will feature a livestream Q&A with Gore himself and a panel discussion with local experts on climate change.
The latest certifications bring to 22 the total number of CU Boulder buildings certified LEED Gold or better, either for new construction or major renovations.
Based on campus data and student feedback on quality of life, career preparation and environmentally responsible practices, CU Boulder is a top "green" school, according to The Princeton Review.
What if you were rewarded every time you recycled? CU Boulder has teamed up with PIPs Rewards to beta test an app that lets users earn and redeem points for a wide variety of sustainable behaviors.
The Distribution Center will handle most incoming and outgoing UPS shipments, a move designed to decrease traffic congestion and enhance sustainability on campus.