
  • A Protect Our Herd–face covering required sign at the entrance of Farrand Field
    Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates. In this issue: Campus receives update on the summer and fall terms; data to become available on number of campus vaccinations; and more.
  • CU Boulder Officer Guillermo Gonzalez
    A clinician will join the ranks of the CU Police Department to support officers responding to mental health crisis situations and to serve as a mental health consultant and liaison between CUPD and Counseling and Psychiatric Services.
  • A Protect Our Herd–face covering required sign at the entrance of Farrand Field
    Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates. In this issue: Updates on testing locations and hours; the status of wastewater testing; expanded building access; and more.
  • dispatcher looks at several computer monitors
    The CU Boulder Police Department is a full-service police department, and that service starts when you call 911. In fact, CU Boulder is one of four Boulder County agencies staffing their own dispatch center.
  • A Protect Our Herd–face covering required sign at the entrance of Farrand Field
    Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates. In this issue: Mobile testing; expert advice on face coverings; Buff Pass upgrades; and more.
  • CU Boulder police car on campus
    On behalf of the CU Boulder and city of Boulder police departments, Chief Doreen Jokerst and Chief Maris Herold welcome you back. Our departments work together to provide all Buffs with a safe environment in which to learn and live.
  • A Protect Our Herd–face covering required sign at the entrance of Farrand Field
    Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates. In this issue: A new monitoring and testing webpage is available; the Buff Pass includes new features; and more.
  • A Protect Our Herd–face covering required sign at the entrance of Farrand Field
    Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing weekly updates. In this issue: monitoring testing and Buff Pass participants will be eligible for incentives; a new monitoring testing site has opened at the Rec Center; and more.
  • A Protect Our Herd–face covering required sign at the entrance of Farrand Field
    Through the spring semester, campus officials are providing regular updates. In this issue: the weekly Campus Q&As have kicked off and they occur each Tuesday; CU Boulder received a small number of COVID-19 vaccines; and more.
  • A CU Boulder police vehicle
    As we get ready to return to campus in just about a month, here are some steps to help you stay safe on campus or anywhere you are.
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