Leeds Faculty Scholars

The Leeds Faculty Scholars initiative celebrates and elevates the exceptional research and teaching by Leeds’ pre-tenured (and recently tenured) and non-tenure track faculty. At its core, the initiative is a commitment to invest in the development of these up-and-comers across all divisions, unlocking their power to positively affect the greatest number of student lives and produce more world-changing research. 

The following individuals have been named Leeds Faculty Scholars:

Simona Abis 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar  

Heather Adams 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar 

Quentin Andre 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar 

Andrea Buffa  
Stone Family Faculty Scholar   

David Drake 
Stone Family Faculty Scholar   

Ashton Hawk 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar 

Joe Gladstone 
Peterson Faculty Scholar 

Marcia Kwaramba 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar 

Becca Mitchell 
Stone Family Faculty Scholar   

Andrea Pawliczek 
Stone Family Faculty Scholar  

Salma Shukri 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar 

Andrew Stephan 
Dean’s Faculty Scholar 

Emily Gallagher
Arnold R. Weber Faculty Scholar

David Dobolyi
Caruso Faculty Scholar

Jeremiah Contreras
Kala and Shiv Khatri Endowed Faculty Scholar

Huanan Zhang
Kala and Shiv Khatri Endowed Faculty Scholar

Emily Edwards
Kostalnick Family Faculty Scholar

Tracy Jennings
RK Landmark Faculty Scholar

Nick Reinholtz
RK Landmark Faculty Scholar

Birdie Reznicek
Virginia and Ed Mitchell Faculty Scholar

Brad Werner
JRN Faculty Scholar

Bryce Schonberger
JRN Faculty Scholar

Asaf Bernstein
Frank Schiff Faculty Scholar

Ethan Poskanzer
Frank Schiff Faculty Scholar

Nikki Skinner
Craig and Cynthia Smith Faculty Scholar

Jennifer Bone
Craig and Cynthia Smith Faculty Scholar

Christina Lacerenza
Gordon and Susan Trafton Faculty Scholar

Alixandra Barasch
Gordon and Susan Trafton Faculty Scholar

Curtis Sears
Welch-Nguyen Family Faculty Scholar