spring 2019: pat clark video
spring 2019: pat clark video
video hero: spring 2019 cover
Spring 2019
The Small Picture
For the series “Microscopy,” Instructor Pat Clark photographed media such as ink, clay, cotton, flower petals and melting ice through a microscope to create technicolor, abstract works of art.
Read MoreThen & Now
Then & Now: Spring 2019
CU’s official mascot debuted in 1966, when a group of students ran Ralphie I, who was donated by one of the students' fathers, across Folsom Field. Now there are 15 handlers —including advertising student Hunter Rief—who care for Ralphie V and run with her at home football games.
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Trending: Current Issue
Senior Instructor Jamie Skerski discusses the legacy of #TomboyCulture, Department of Media Studies PhD student Art Bamford shares tips on raising #TechieToddlers, and Scholar-in-Residence Jorge Perez-Gallego helps kids in their quest to go #MiningForKnowledge.
Read MoreBeyond the Classroom
New Spin on Narrative Arc
“There’s something special about moving around a 3-D space, or seeing it move around you, that makes it seem more real,” says Will Brewer, a critical media practices student whose classwork was displayed on a room-sized global display system through NOAA's Science on a Sphere program.
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