Faculty News
- A new $2.8 million federal grant will fund a five-year Science Teachers Learning from Lesson Analysis project, or STeLLA CO2, in a unique partnership between CU Boulder, UCCS, UNC and BSCS Science Learning — an independent nonprofit dedicated to research-driven innovation in science education.
- Professor Rubén Donato to be honored with Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution AwardCU Boulder Professor Rubén Donato to be awarded 2018 Scholars of Color Distinguished Career Contribution Award from the AERA, the country’s largest interdisciplinary research association devoted to the study of education and learning.
- The campus is calling on students to answer one question: who are your most inspiring educators at CU Boulder? Nominations for the 2018 Best Should Teach faculty awards are due Monday, April 23.
- In an effort to promote equity in mathematics and science education, two foundations have awarded funding to the University of Colorado Boulder and its partners to enhance research in deeper learning among students.
- Led by CU Boulder's School of Education and Department of Mathematics, universities have joined a five-year grant aimed to help undergraduates pursuing STEM degrees succeed in introductory mathematics.
- CU Boulder Education Dean Kathy Schultz is one of just 11 prominent education scholars nationwide announced today as a 2018 Fellow of the American Educational Research Association.
- While social and emotional learning programs have been abuzz in schools for more than a decade, the majority of programs have largely emphasized students' learning with only a very few aimed at helping teachers explore their emotional well-being. A
- Kevin Welner and Bill Mathis, of the University of Colorado Boulder’s National Education Policy (NEPC), have been named the national Outstanding Public Educators by the Horace Mann League. Kevin Welner and Bill MathisThe awards
- Health Sciences High & Middle College charter school in San Diego, Calif. offers extraordinarily rich STEM courses, one of the reasons it has been named a School of Opportunity. Project honors schools that
- As an advocate for young people in classrooms and communities, Ben Kirshner, associate professor of education at the University of Colorado Boulder School of Education, has received the 2016-17 Chase Faculty Community